Me on my Way: Google Chrome make me a lot of trouble -->

Friday, 18 June 2010

Google Chrome make me a lot of trouble

Sorry no emoticons here.


Well If I want to change something on my template, and when I want to click "Save Change" the connections are lost!!

And of course when I type something on other CBOX, it said "Posting Failed" right? Because it lost connections but when I'm going to retype it, it already post so I made the double post.

Badly, I'm a forgetfull person. Really. ( For the truth, I'm forgot what time and day now. *whocares* ) When I type a tutorial link to one of my new cyberfriend, I wrote her blog URL O_____O Explain more? OK

So, I'm going to edit my 'Affiliates' section, I mean I want to put one new links there, but because I click "Save Template Changes" suddenly, it lost connection!! And the next tab on my google chrome is her blog. I did 2 activity at the same time. Well, one of my new cyberfriend ask me how to 'something' and I want to help her to know it. But why why why I put her link on her CBOX and I made 2 post?

I'm forgot now I'm going to copy paste her link to my affie section. ARGH!! Hate it hate it :'(
It's because the LOST CONNECTION sorry I blame you for this, lost connection . Because I hate that!!

Ok please read and delete my fatal error on your CBOX, Qiyi.

This is really made me pissed off. I'm going to trust Firefox more than my Fcking google chrome
I used Google Chrome for browsing only! Remember it GoogleC T___T I'm sad you make me cause a trouble.

Gosh! I hate myself and this browser for sure.

Btw i got this : I found the candle- woop-de-do!


Anonymous said...

I lose connections a lot too ... because i use wireless.

): it really sucks! because sometimes when i edit a layout, i forget to copy it just in case.. i click save .. and lose connection! ):

cute award. ^^"

carrotandpotato said...

gk pake pixel kecil kyk biasa? XD

Anonymous said...

for me, firefox is still the best, less errors XDD it's because some scripts and iframes are implemented firstly on firefox than any other browsers out there XDD


Unknown said...

i dont hve google chrome...hihi

i thought it was nice bfore..keke

use firefox sis//keke

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